The Wylie Way is the foundation of our district.

Nominations for 2024 Wylie Way Awards are open!

Nominations for 2024 Wylie Way Awards are open!

We believe that if we focus on our students as whole people and equip them for what they need to succeed in life, then we will graduate good people who go out and do good things. The Wylie Way is the sum of many parts: strengths & interests, plan & purpose, core ethical values, social & emotional health, and surrounding our students with positive relationships. If we can make each of those foundations compelling and meaningful in the lives of our students, they will be equipped with what is necessary to increase their hope, well-being, and engagement. Being solid in those foundations is necessary to close the achievement gap and have success in life. 

  • More than 60 Wylie Way Award recipients since 2012. This school year, awards have gone to Blue Star Plumbing, Rhonda Tracy, Rev. Fred Jackson and Patty & Bruce Bauman.
    Click here for past winners.

  • Core ethical values: Respect & Responsibility, Caring & Giving, Grit & Preparation, Gratitude & Celebration

  • Wylie Way lesson topics include Achievement, Caring & Giving, Celebration, Competition, Grit, Growth Mindset, Happiness, Hope, Passion, Strengths & Career and Relationships.
    Learn more here.

“I can’t think of many other school districts that care enough about their students’ well-being to set aside secular education for a couple of days to teach students some of the most important things they can learn. From Wylie Way days, I learned what it means to work hard, what my strengths are, the importance of having a support system, and why hope and happiness are so important. There is so much craziness in the world right now, and at the end of the day, all that matters is the relationships we have and the values we live. Of all the things I have learned and will ever learn, those are the most important! Thanks so much for caring about us students and taking the time to teach us what really matters at such a young age!” - WEHS Class of 2020 Graduate